Initially planned in December 2020, the IFHS hydrographic conference, renamed HYDRO22, will take place 6 – 8 December 2022 at the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco.


After two very complicated years, our community has grown, attracting younger generations with innovative ideas and eager to enhance our Blue World.  As a conscientious community, it is also our duty to recognise our role and responsibility in the resilience of our climate, the access to marine knowledge and the sharing of our expertise to the widest audience.

We wish to gather the widest hydrographic and hydrospatial community for this event under this ambitious banner: “Towards Enhanced Responsibility”.

This is the final call for Papers


You can submit your contribution as a 20-minute talk or field demonstration (from a wharf near to the conference hall).  Your application should include the following details:

  • Full name of the contributor(s)
  • Company/administration/institute
  • Contact details; email address and contact telephone number (inc. international dialling code)
  • Title and short abstract (200 words max.)
  • For demos; short description of the demonstration concept, equipment involved etc.

All applications should be submitted no later than 30 June 2022, by email to


The selected speakers will be organised in to eight sessions of three to four presentations each, covering a wide range of topics; data processing, digitalisation, navigation safety, charting, teledetection, autonomy, environmental assessment, impact assessment.

All those selected to present will be expected to register for the whole duration of the conference.

We look forward to seeing you all in Monaco!


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