The Republic of Kiribati has officially become the 100th Member State of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), marking a significant milestone for the global hydrographic community.

This historic landmark opens up numerous benefits of being an IHO Member State, from helping carry out obligations under the SOLAS Convention, to enhancing safety of navigation, maritime security, fisheries management, economic growth, environmental protection, and climate resilience.

Kiribati is composed of 33 islands spread over 3,441,810 km2 of the Pacific Ocean, straddling the Equator and the 180th Meridian. It is the only country in the world located in all four hemispheres (northern, southern, western, and eastern), and is the first country on the international date line. Its EEZ is over 4000 times as big as its land area.



For more information visit: Global hydrographic community grows with 100th country joining the IHO | IHO

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