UN Ocean Conference 2022: Official Side Event

Seabed 2030 – Mapping for People and Planet

We are delighted to announce that Seabed 2030 will be hosting an Official Side Event at the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon.

We invite you to join us in-person or online for this high-level panel session which will look at the benefits of ocean mapping from a global perspective, and explore how mapping data is essential to supporting the UN SDG 14 and Decade outcomes, as well as safeguarding our future and that of the planet.

Click here to register now!


The panel discussion, which will be followed by networking drinks and canapés, will take place in the Leónidas Room of the MYRIAD Hotel, with a fantastic view over the Tagus River.


18:00-18:15  Registration

18:15-18:25  Opening remarks by The Nippon Foundation and IOC-UNESCO (speakers TBC)

18:25-19:00  Panel discussion

19:00-19:10  Q&A

19:10-19:15  Closing remarks by the IHO (speaker TBC)

19:15-20:00  Networking drinks and canapés


The event will be co-moderated by Kilaparti Ramakrishna (Senior Advisor on Ocean and Climate Policy WHOI, US) and Dawn Wright (Esri, US).

Panellists: Oliver Steeds (Nekton, UK); David Millar (Fugro, USA); Nina Jensen (REV Ocean, Norway); Tion Uriam (Ministry of Information, Communications & Transport, Kiribati and NF-GEBCO Fellow); Voahangy Tinah Martin (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, US and NF-GEBCO Fellow, Madagascar)

More to be announced shortly…


This event is co-organised by The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, The Nippon Foundation, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO.

Please note, this is an official side event at the UN Ocean Conference. This event will be held outside the Blue Zone, so no accreditation required. The event will be live streamed for those unable to join us in person.

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